Posted by: Michael Dewalt | March 9, 2009

John Calvin Lectures available via web cast

(Post by Brenda Benson)

For all who are unable to attend Greenville Seminary’s Spring Theology Conference on John Calvin this week, the following evening sessions will be offered via a live webcast:
7:00 PM Tuesday (March 10):  Dr. Joseph A. Pipa, Jr.:Calvin the Preacher 
7:00 PM Wednesday (March 11):  Dr. Joel Beeke: Calvin the Theologian of the Holy Spirit 

The live webcast will be available by using the links listed above. Please note that this is a live broadcast available at 7PM Eastern Daylight Time on Tuesday and Wednesday night of this week. After the conference, these evening sessions will still be accessible via the Resources page of the GPTS website.  Audio of the entire conference will also be available for purchase. The price for full audio CD’s is $65 and the price for MP3 CD’s is $35.

If you will be traveling at the time of the conference, you can still listen to this live web cast or other GPTS recorded sermons using your smart phone. If your cell phone has a web browser, try out our new Mobile pages at The mobile website also contains sermons by faculty members as well as maps to the seminary and the conference site  that can be downloaded onto most smart phones.

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