Posted by: Michael Dewalt | April 14, 2009

Major Calvin Conference in the USA

A major Calvin Conference in the USA, sponsored by the The Calvin Studies Society will commemorate the 500th anniversary of Calvin’s birth at its 2009 Colloquium, “Calvin: Myth and Reality.” The Meeter Center for Calvin Studies (Grand Rapids, Michigan), along with the College and Seminary, are offering generous support for the colloquium.
The program committee has announced the following impressive list of topics and speakers:

· Church Discipline: Diane Margolf, Colorado State University
· Calvinism in Germany: Irena Dingel, University of Mainz
· Gender and Sexuality: John L. Thompson, Fuller Theological Seminary
· Preaching and Pastoral Care: Elsie McKee, Princeton Theological Seminary
· Reformed Orthodoxy: Richard Muller, Calvin Theological Seminary
· Calvin on the Sacraments: Wim Janse, Free University of Amsterdam
· Calvin in Southeast Asia: Yudha Thianto, Trnity Christian College, Illinois
· Calvin and Philosophy: Constantin Fasolt, University of Chicago
· Calvin in France: Bernard Cottret, University of Versailles-St. Quentin
· Calvin in the Netherlands: Mirjam van Vreen, Free University of Amsterdam
· Calvin in North America: Mark Veleri, Union Theological Seminary, Virginia
· Predestination: Richard Mouw, Fuller Seminary; Richard Muller, Calvin Seminary, Laura Smit, Calvin Seminary
· Calvin and Worship: Presentation and Music by Rev. Randy Engle, Troy Christian Reformed Church;
· Lunch and Discussion: “John Calvin: Past, Present and Future,” led by Karin Maag, Meeter Center for Calvin Studies.

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