Posted by: Michael Dewalt | December 18, 2008

Calvin’s Institutes in One Year

Dr. Jim Goodloe, one of our most enthusiastic supporters of Calvin500 has a website that has a plan to read through Ford L. Battles 1960 edition of Calvin’s Institutes in small daily installments. What a great idea to pass on!


  1. Would there be sufficient benefit to publish in The Calvin 500 Blog, from time to time, the best of such small daily installments of Calvin’s Institutes for the following three purposes?:
    1. It could serve as a daily devotion in between major articles by The Calvin 500 Blog and
    2. It could whet our appetite to read more of Calvin’s Institutes.
    3. It might also contain a continuing link to Dr. Jim Goodloe’s site to encourage readers to read more of the small daily installments.

  2. Bill,

    If you’d do this, whenever you have a chance, I think that would be tremendous. Post to Michael Dewalt. God bless and Happy New Year

  3. yea bill, you can do it, send it my way and i’ll throw it up

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