Posted by: Michael Dewalt | January 6, 2009

Calvin’s Legacy: Reforming the Church Today

2009 is the 500th anniversary of John Calvin’s birth. Since 1509, John Calvin has been one of the most influential and insightful figures in the history of the church. He was a man of effective action and profound thought. But Calvin’s significance is not limited to the past. His reforming work and biblical teaching are arguably more needed today than they were in the sixteenth century. Vital reforms which he championed are being abandoned in the life and doctrine of many churches in our time. Our conference will examine the ways in which John Calvin’s life and theology can help the church of the twenty-first century rediscover the biblical path of faithfulness and fruitfulness.

Starting January 16, 2009, 6pm PST 
Unable to attend the conference? Let the conference come to you!
Check out the conference Live Blog by Dr. R. Scott Clark on January 16-17, 2009. The live blog will begin at 6pm PST on January 16 on this page.

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