Posted by: Michael Dewalt | March 16, 2009

GPTS Conference on Calvin

(posted by David Hall)
The GPTS Conference on Calvin was superb. Almost 500 folks attended at the spacious facilities at Woodruff Road PCA church outside of Greenville, SC. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing some excellent presentations by Calvin scholars. Two sermons, one from Joey Pipa and the other from Joel Beeke, were excellent. Hear them from the site if you missed them. Papers by several Calvin 500 presenters were given (Knight, Johnson, Hall, Beeke, McGoldrick), and young scholars like Carl Trueman and Mark Garcia. This very impressive conference climaxed with presentations by Iain Hamilton and Paul Helm. This sets the bar high.
Kudos to all our sponsors who are hosting conferences. Westminster Seminary California kicked the year off with theirs, and RTS will host theirs in Orlando June 15-16.


  1. will this blog be linking to all the conferences as to the resources available following the conferences and keeping a schedule of the conferences?

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