Posted by: Michael Dewalt | May 11, 2009

Calvin and Commerce

Calvin500 Series volumes about to come out. The next volumes of our series are about to come out, released by our Calvin500 publishing partner, Presbyterian and Reformed (all volumes are available at their site or at the RHB button to the right). Or if you purchase from, why not request that this be included in the Kindle Store?!

The final volumes from the Calvin500 series will be Calvin and Commerce by David Hall and Matthew Burton (9/1/09) and Calvin and Culture: Exploring a Worldview.

See the Table of Contents and Preface below for:

Introduction: Values, Faith, and Truth

Chapter 1: Creation
Man is created in God’s image and therefore inclined to create
The creation was a time of abundance; wealth beyond basic needs of the individual was the norm
Man was charged with dominion over God’s creation
Dominion infers a work ethic and accountability to God
The creation sets forth the balance between work (Vocation) and leisure (Sabbath): Vocation
The Sabbath, a Forgotten Key to a Successful Entrepreneurial Model
Is the Sabbath outdated?
Isn’t the Sabbath, if business owners were to practice it, inefficient at heart and unprofitable?
Since so few Christians keep this commandment today, are there any large traditions that justify it?
Wealth is not morally evil

Chapter 2: Fall
Depravity requires a work ethic
Depravity at work calls us not to tolerate non-productivity
Depravity calls for limited trust and requires accountability in the marketplace
Man is not by nature a ‘socialist’
The Role of Wealth
Interest or Usury?
Poor and Rich are here to stay

Chapter 3: Redemption
Christian Freedom
Calvin Against Selfishness and Short-sightedness
Stewardship and Private Property
The use of wealth as an overflow of thanksgiving and praise for salvation
Investment as a calling of redemption
Charity and the Law
Calvin on Property and Business Ethics in Exodus 21-24
A Pattern of Charity

Chapter 4: Philanthropy
Extra-Family Charity
Calvin’s Philanthropy and Care for the Poor
Charity and Poverty Accurately Defined
Faulty Assumptions of Modern Welfare: Calvin knew better
The Fifth Assumption: The De-Evolution of Charity by Delegating to the State

CHAPTER 5: Sanctification and Service
Is Classlessness a Goal?
Providence is frequently Taught in the Bible
Does Providence Condone Inconsiderateness Toward Poverty?
The Initial Calvinistic Business Spirit
Work is Sanctifying
A Dignity to Man’s Work

CHAPTER 6: Eschatology
Eternity Defines the present more than the present
The Need for long-term investment is a calling and a responsibility of biblical faithfulness
Preparation requires some level of asset gathering
Risk-taking and reward gathering is allowed and at times encouraged
Calvin and Education
Calvin and Thrift
The Five Points of Economic Calvinism

Read the PREFACE


  1. [...] cover this book is one of several in a Calvin500 commemoration series.)  If you are interested, this blog will fill you in on all the Calvin Quincentenary happenings here in [...]

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